There are plenty of PR firms in Delhi and other metro cities in the country that utilize press release as a strategy to further the cause of PR. Writing a press release is one of the oldest PR strategies and it has been in use even before the invention of digital media. Press Releases leverage the large reader-base of famous newspapers and magazines to expose an organization to a large population. PR firms in Delhi primarily write press releases for the quick dissemination of news about their client or to repair the image of their client or to create buzz about a product. This is the reason journalists’ mailboxes are flooded everyday with thousands of releases.
So, how do you stand out among a plethora of releases and catch the journalist’s eye? According to certain statistics, approximately 70% of all the journalists spend one minute or less on average while reading a press release proposal; the remainder invest less than 5 minutes. This goes to show that most of the releases that are sent to the journalists end up getting rejected. This also suggests that most of the companies that provide SEO services in Delhi have a tough time convincing the journalists to publish their client’s story. However, against all the odds, the best SEO companies in Delhi get success in convincing the journalists to publish their stories. The only way to accomplish that is to write a release that is of the highest quality. Let us look at some of the characteristics of an excellent press release that is too irresistible to not be published by any journalist.
Less is more: Cut down on the words, not the essence of the release
A lot of people are under the misapprehension that lengthy press releases have a higher chance of getting accepted by the journalists. The reality, however, is that the lengthy a press release is, the lower is the probability that the concerned journalist would be inclined to read it whole. As a result, it would most likely get rejected. Therefore, you’ve got to focus on being concise and convey your message in 200 to 300 words. That is the ideal length of the release as the journalist can take off a couple of minutes to give your release a read and if he finds it authentic and of a high quality, he’d pick it up.
Get a high A.R.T. score
Oftentimes, brevity isn’t enough; you also need to ensure that your release has a lower A.R.T. (Average Reading Time). If you haven’t been clear and to the point in your release or if you’ve used too many complex sentences or unconventional words, then the reader might struggle with your release, even though it’s only 300 words. Therefore, you need to consider factors like brevity, crispness, reading comprehension, and simple vocabulary in order to maximize your chances of being accepted by a reputed publication.
Press release is a great tool for PR and if you want to excel in the field, you need to ensure that you develop a mastery over writing unique and inspiring releases.
